I have set up Office Hours for July. My apologies for missing June.
No agenda, but happy to talk about events and any other issues.
The details are listed below:
Wednesday, 6 July
- https://zoom.us/j/94170446174?pwd=NHMzWEtReEJpL2FRc0NnZWcvWUQ2Zz09
- Passcode: Cast 0x313132363433 as CHAR(6)
- 4:00pm MDT/6:00pm EDT/ 8L00am Sydney
Thursday, 7 July
- https://zoom.us/j/94188468273?pwd=ZDdNSmZxRytMd2oyLzJWYUxKdXltZz09
- Passcode: Cast 0x373936383430 as CHAR(6)
- 11:30am MDT / 1:30pm EDT / 6:30pm BST
Feel free to pass this email along to others that might be interested. Please do not post the URL or passcode publicly.
Remind others to register here: http://eepurl.com/hwVBKn