A surprised awaited me in the snail mail recently: a check.

SQL Saturday is registered with Benevity as a charity since we are a 501.c.3 registered charity in the US.

We [received a check] last year, and recently got another one this year. This time for $125, which is a very generous donation. I’m not sure who donated, but I appreciate it.

I deposited this in our account and as soon as it clears, I’ll update the books.

If you want to donate and your employer matches, we’d love to see more. However, not big ones. I don’t have a lot of use for lots of money and I don’t want to waste it. If you want to send $5 or $10 with an employer match, Benevity might be something you consider.

We appreciate your support of SQL Saturday. If you or others want to join our mailing list, you can register here: http://eepurl.com/hwVBKn. Please feel free to pass this along to others.