I started university in 1985 at Syracuse University. I’d never been there prior to that summer, but my Dad had lived near there, and they had a fantastic computer science school. I relied on that rep to choose a school, though I wish now I’d picked a smaller school in a less snowy area.

In any case, I’ve flown into Syracure 1-2x/yr for the last few years as my daughter went to school in Potsdam, NY. I thought when I left in May after her graduation that I’d have no reason to go back to Syracuse. However, I was wrong.

I got an issue submitted a few weeks ago for a SQL Saturday in Syracuse. I was surprised, but happy to see this. I’ve been to a few events in the area, but never one in Syracuse. SQL Saturday Syracuse 2024 (#1095) will take place on Sept 7, 2024.

I’ve submitted, and I think I can attend. I am supposed to fly to London that weekend, so I’ll leave a day early, go to Syracuse and then continue my travels from there. I don’t know if I’ll try to get out of SYR that afternoon or the next morning, but if possible, I’d like to attend the event.

If you’re a speaker, submit and join me. You have until Aug 1, 2024 to submit. If you’re anywhere in the Buffalo, Rochester, or Syracuse area, please consider attending. I’d love to see you there supporting the event and learning something about the data platform.


I also want to remind people that SQL Saturday is an independent US 501.c.3 corporation organized as a public charity. We are not owned by, or managed by Redgate Software. Redgate donated the brand to the corporation and gave us a grant to run events, but there is no oversight of the corporation. Redgate does maintain a permanent seat on the board of directors, currently occupied by Steve Jones, but has no more influence than any of the other members of the board.

If you or others want to join our mailing list, you can register here: http://eepurl.com/hwVBKn. Please feel free to pass this along to others.